Feline Case Study

Louie the Lilac Birman

At 4 months old, Louis was diagnosed with Congenital Kidney failure. Conventional medicines only offered a renal diet with regular blood tests to monitor the condition, therefore to offer Louis a better quality of life alternative therapy was essential. Within a few weeks of his diagnosis, Louis become one of Nick’s patients; the results have been absolutely fantastic.

Since his first consultation three years ago Louis, who was put on a regime of herbal and homeopathic remedies, has benefited enormously from Nick’s holistic approach.Firstly, his creatine and urea levels have been considerably reduced and the improvement in his levels has been sustained. Nick is profoundly passionate about his work; striving for the best possible outcome, his up to date pedagogy and highly professional advice and guidance is second to none. As a kitten the prognosis for Louis suggested a very short life span and at three and half years old he has outlived initial predictions and keeps surprising us with his ever increasing improved blood levels. Louis is an extremely happy, lively and playful cat with a ravenous appetite!

Everyday with Louis is a gift and his progress is a testament to the outstanding, dedicated and personal service Nick Thompson provides. Nick is, without question, one in a million, we are so grateful that he is part of our lives.

Book an appoinment

Dr. Nick Thompson
BSc (Vet Sci) Hons, BVM&S, VetMFHom, MRCVS.

Apthorp Centre
Weston Road
United Kingdom

Email: nickthompson@holisticvet.co.uk
Tel: 01225 487778
Fax: 07092 233930

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Please remember…

I am only able to treat animals under my care. If you are not able to see me or get me to visit (anywhere in UK or Europe), then please go to bahvs.comfor homeopathic vets, abva.co.uk for acupuncture vets or herbalvets.org.uk for herbal vets for your animal.

Thank you.