WSAVA Vaccine Guidelines

In June, 2010, the World Small Animal Veterinary Association came out with a remarkable document. Imaginatively, they called it ‘Guidelines for the Vaccination of Dogs and Cats’. It details the latest research and recommendations from the top immunologists all around the world. They state that ‘the guidelines are based on current scientific knowledge and thinking, whereas the data sheet reflects the knowledge available at the time that the vaccine received its original license (which may be more than 20 years earlier). Consequently, guidelines advice will often differ from that given in the data sheet’.
I like this document as it promotes Titre Testing (taking blood to check antibody levels) rather than hit and run vaccination which is the norm in Europe and the U.S. It also states that the core vaccines (Distemper, Parvo and Hepatitis for dogs and Flu and Enteritis in cats) last ‘for three years, if not longer’.
These two guidelines alone, allow vets to legitimately reduce the number of vaccines given to cats and dogs over their lifetime, something that homeoapthic vets have been calling for for decades. It is for this reason, because this is so important, that I put it on the home page.
It makes fascinating reading. Read the WSAVA Vaccine Guidelines.
This is the American Animal Hospital Association’s take on vaccination in 2011.
Book an appoinment
Dr. Nick Thompson
BSc (Vet Sci) Hons, BVM&S, VetMFHom, MRCVS.
The Veterinary Practice
The Bungalow
SN14 8RH
United Kingdom
Tel: 01225 487778